Monday, September 28, 2009



1. CLICK HERE. DOWNLOAD "TALKING POINTS" Read 'em, Print 'em and bring 'em to class on Thursday!

2. CLICK HERE to view the film "The War that Made America" Part IV "Unintended Consequences"

4. CLICK HERE . Download, and PRINT the Documents. Bring them to class on MONDAY. You won't need them until then!

If you have trouble obtaining the resources at home, you may:

1. Download them to flashdrives, ipods, etc.
2. Print them in the computer lab, or college suite


charlie said...

What I learned:
There was alot of turning points and betrayal during the war.
During a game of La Cross, the indians attacked the English and scalped them.
The British won the war.
Brittan and the indians allied before Brittans betrayal.
According to the war, the indians would be granted no land.

I found it interesting on their surpriseattack on the British when the English were watching a game of La Cross and the indians attacked the British and scalped them.

Anonymous said...

The video isn't working

Sia (: said...

I couldn't print out the 2nd link worksheets so Ill just rwrite what I learned over here:

Some things I didn't know:
The Indians and the Americans BARLEY got along with eachother.

The Indians got no land.

The Indians set a surprise attack on the English.

The Indians and English played eachother in La Cross.

Brittan won the war.

I think it's interesting how the British won the war because to me it seemed like the Indians could have had more power.