Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boston Massacre Research Websites

Hello, APUshers:

Here are the links that you'll be using to conduct research for the big debate.

Tomorrow, we'll finish the video, and begin the process of researching the background info.

• Boston Massacre information

• Crispus Attucks information
• Captain Preston’s account
• Anonymous eyewitness account

• John Adams’s trial speech

• Theodore Bliss deposition

• Robert Goddard deposition

• Benjamin Burdick deposition

• Richard Palmes deposition

• John Hancock anniversary speech

Think of this like a DBQ...Use the information to form a thesis statement. Allow the evidence to work for you. By that, I mean let it make your case. Work with your team to create a convincing statement and conclusion. Here are some questions to consider:

Did the British really shoot for no reason?
Were the colonists, in fact, armed?
Did the Colonists provoke the British soldiers?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tonight's HW 10/28/08

Hello, APUSHers:

I hope no one was too devastated by my absence yesterday. Here is tonight's HW assignment:

Materials: EIght (8) index cards
Your Review Book
Prior Knoweldge
Internet (if needed)

1. On the front side of each index card, write the following actions/events (one per card)
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Declaratory Act
Townshend Act
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress

2. For each of the events/actions listed below, on the back of the card, identify

a. YEAR of the action/event
b. PURPOSE of the action
c. PROVISIONS of the act (if applicable)

CLICK HERE for Another Exciting Video

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

HW - Wed and Thurs (10/22 and 10/23)

Hello, APUSHers:

Here's your mission for tonight, and if you're feeling really adventurous, you can start working on tomorrow's as well.

1. Based on the DBQ's we started in class today, please carefully ANALYZE the rest of the documents (you should use the APPARTS method). After analyzing the documents, prepare a thesis statement.

2. Thursday - Using the SPRITE-G outline we did in class, please complete a rough draft of your essay. We will PEER REVIEW each other's work in class Friday, so you're going to feel really silly if you don't have yours ready to go.

3. Your FINAL DRAFT will be due on MONDAY. No if's ands or buts about it.

CLICK HERE. You're Welcome!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday's HW 10/21/08

CLICK HERE for the video The Unfinished Nation - Strained Relations

CLICK HERE. Download the chart, and complete it, in your neatest handwriting. You may need to use the 'net, or other resources to look up some of the information. You'll do it. Don't worry.

Don't forget to answer the question at the bottom of the page!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

APUSH HW - 10/20/08

Hello, APUSHers:

I apologize for the typo...Due to an error in coding, the link for the questions did not appear on the post. That being said, you will be given the extra time to "take care of business."

Firstly, for the weekend assignment blog, I should have told you to follow the link for LESSON 9 - The French and Indian War. Sorry about that.

OK...Here's the link for the assignment.


In addition, please CLICK HERE. Print this out, and put it in your TEST PREP section. As an incentive, I'll come around and check Tuesday. If you've got it, you'll get a point on your average at the end of the semester.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

APUSH Weekend Assignment

Due Date: Monday 10/19/2008

Your Mission: Analyze the extent to which the French and Indian War altered the English relationship with the American Colonies

Part I:

1. CLICK HERE. Listen to the Lecture on the Proclamation of 1763


3. Complete the questions related to the assignment. BE READY TO DISCUSS YOUR ANSWERS IN CLASS MONDAY!

4. CLICK HERE, Download and Print the DBQ (APUSH 2004)

5. Analyze the documents using the questions from parts 1 and 2.

6. Prepare a THESIS statement based on the documents.

Tonight's HW 10/16/08


After you watch the video.

On looseleaf (turn in to me tomorrow in class, please):

1. Ten (10) True/False Questions
2. At least 1/2 must be false.
3. You must provide the answers to make the false statements true.

See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

APUSH HW - 10/15/08

Greetings, APUSHers:

Here's tonight's mission. Fortunately for you, this one will not self-destruct any time soon.

Step 1: CLICK HERE for an exciting LECTURE on the FRENCH & INDIAN WAR. Be sure that you click on the link for LESSON 9.

Step 2 (optional): Click on the Link for "Text." Print out the text on your computer at home.

Step 3: Based on the Lecture, and the text that you read, answer the following:

1. How did the French and English both utilize their relationships with Native Americans to their advantages?
2. What reasons might explain why there was tension between the British and the French?
3. In your own words, describe the first battle of the French and Indian War (1754-1763).
4. Discuss the goals of the Albany Plan of Union. Why do you think the Albany Plan of Union failed?
5. Discuss the results of the French and Indian War.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tomorrow's Class and Weekend Assignments YAY!

Hello, All:

Here's the rundown of what's going on the next couple of days.

Tomorrow, in class, we will take time to discuss the DBQ a little more in-depth. Hopefully, you've all some time tom form your thesis statements. In other words, what's going to be the underlying theme of your argument, and how you will use the documents, your outside knowledge, and expert writing ability to convey your understanding of the question.

Your essay will be due on TUESDAY. Sorry, no exceptions here, unless you're legally absent. After Tuesday we move on with teh causes of the American Revolution. See you then!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HW 10/7/08 - Chesapeake and NE Cols.

Greeting APUSHers:

Here is your mission for this evening:


3. Given the information, and what you already know...What factors caused the differences in development between the New England and Chesapeake Colonies? Respond in a brief post.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

THE DEBATES - HW 10/3/08


2. Answer the following Questions

  • What questions were being asked of the candidates?
  • What is something you learned from this debate about each candidate?
  • Describe your opinion of the candidates before the debate(s). If you didn't have an opinion of the candidates, please explain why.
  • Will the debates, or did the debates change your opinion of the candidates? Why? Why not?