Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework Assignment #5: It's All About TEAMWORK!

Hello, APUSHers:

Here is your HW for the weekend. Please note that we are going to be working in teams next week, so it is important for you to be aware of the assignments for which you are responsible.

Certain chapters have been assigned to each person in the class. It is advised that you try to coordinate with the other people in our class who are working on the same chapter. This way, you can share responsibilities for the assignments that you need to complete. Please be advised that you are ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CHAPTER! You can read the other chapters if you want, but this weekend, you are only being asked to complete your assigned Chapter.

Here are the chapter assignments, Click on the Link for each Chapter:

If I left your name off the list, please email me, and I will find you a group!

EACH of you is responsible for reading, and outlining the chapter. Here's an outline form to help you

After you read and outline the chapter, Complete the CHAPTER ID'S, and GUIDED READING QUESTIONS THAT CORRESPOND TO YOUR CHAPTER. Here are links to help you find what you are looking for:
Use the sidebar of the blog for additional links to help you with your HW. Good Luck!


Kathleen Gobin said...

Dear Mr. Tesler:
Is it necessary to have the outline printed? Is it okay if we write it? I'm sorry for the inconvience but my printer isn't working.

Mr Tesler said...

Hello! Handwritten Outlines are perfectly acceptable. It's just a guide for you, so you can have an idea of how to structure your outline. Thanks for checking in!