Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday Night's HW Assignment Due Thursday 2/4

Tuesday Night - Due By Thursday. Two assignments (worth a total of .5 grade points (4.0 scale).

Please post your answers by commenting on this post.

1. CLICK HERE. After accessing the lecture website, please download the lecture entitled "Economics of Industrialization." You must post two things that you learned from the lecture on-line. However, you CANNOT post the same thing as someone else. In order to get credit, you must post a comment for this lecture.
2. The RETURN of MOVIE NIGHT!!! Based on your last name, you will watch one of the following films, and complete a supplemental video summary sheet. Again, you must post a piece of information that is DIFFERENT than what someone else has posted.

Please label each post appropriately, i.e. "Lecture Comments," and "Movie Comments"

1. Last Names AMEDEO-GOBIN, click below.

The Unfinished Nation: Revolution of a Different Sort

Analyzes how the onset of the Industrial Revolution affected the social, economic, and demographic structure of nineteenth-century American life. Addressing significant factors that incited the Revolution, looking especially at the Eastern European, Irish, and German immigration boom along with the improved use of canals and steam engines, the program discusses impact of the Potato Famine, growth of large urban centers, and increased economic opportunity. Turning to industry, the program assesses the importance of textile mills, entrepreneurships, corporations, and banks to early industrialists, investigating what life was like for the women and men working at factories and in early labor movements. The presentation demonstrates the importance of bolstered communications, especially penny and steam press newspapers and the telegraph, which made up the concurrent Technological Revolution.Play

2. Last Names HANIFF-ZHAO, you are responsible for the following video.

The Unfinished Nation: A New Corporate Order

Investigates the major causes and implications for the Industrial Revolution. Set against the backdrop of social change and political dispute, the program discusses Thomas Edison, the light bulb, Eli Whitney, the cotton gin, J. P. Morgan, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, the railroad strike, the Knights of Labor Union, and the American Federation of Labor. Wrapping up with a look at the tremendous transformations in the quality of life for both skilled and unskilled workers during the revolution, the informative presentation addresses wage disputes, poverty, the creation of the working class, and child labor


Elizabeth J. said...

• Movie Comments
Elizabeth J.
-A cause of economic explosion is the availability in resources and human engineering.
-The railroad brought communication to the nation, and brought the nation together.
- The U.S. industry threatened England.
- Thomas Edison discovered electricity.
- Andrew Carnegie created the first steel factory.
- Industrial Giants had power and wealth.

Charlie said...

In this movie I learned about how America wasnin the mid eighteen hundreds to the late eighteen hundreds.I. Learned how this was the second era of good feelings. In this time period, the transcontnental railroad was built and therefore there was better transportation as well as goods transportation. I learned how Andrew Carnegie monopolized the steel industry and John d Rockefeller domnated the oil ndustry with his famous standard oil company. I also learned how jp Morgan was an American banker and founded the jp Morgan chase bank. This era was the start of industry where things were being onvented and manufactured.

Elizabeth J. said...

Lecture Comments
Elizabeth J.
- In 1900, one U.S. company, the Carnegie Steel, produced more steel than the entire nation of Great Britain; where Great Britain was the fountain head of Industrialization. This was the start of the United States dominance in industrialization.

- Economies of Scale- As things get bigger, they get cheaper. Companies get larger, and they can bargain lower for their supplies (With their suppliers). Therefore, they have lower prices to sell to consumers.

Sara said...

Sara Dorfman

Lecture Comments:
- In the years from 1870 to 1900, nearly three million people moved west and out of those three million people, about 2.2 millions of them were immigrants. Railroad companies had a little bit to do with this, in that they recruited workers from other countries.
- During the second Industrial Revolution, vertical integration (or, controlling all aspects of a business) became a popular business practice and the most well-known example of this would be the steel industry - which controlled everything from the refining of the steel to shipping.


Movie Comments:
- When deciding what the prerequisites would be for citizenship in the United States, Congress did not foresee the influx of immigrants in the future and thus decided that “whiteness” would play a role in this. But because it was an elastic clause, it was later changed.
- While it was more common to see men immigrating, single women would often come to America looking for jobs in textile mills and hoping for opportunities (most of which were quite bleak back at their homes) and a chance to start a family.

Abigail said...

MOVIE COMMENTS- Revolution of a different sort

Many Irish and Germans immigrants increased in this era. Many of the "Native" Americans had problems with the alcohol consumption of these immigrants even though many of them drank as well. The immigrants consumption of alcohol led to the sterotypes that they were intemperate, brawling unruliness, and dishonest. When the Steem press was invented it became cheaper to print many newspapers at a time. So this influenced the writing of the newspapers. They wrote about murder and mayhem, things that people would be interested in. The mechanizing of factories is what made it able for products to be produced at a greater amount. Now instead of having one person make the entire product which required much skill and you would be paid more, you had that person doing only one part to help make the product. The work was split and since just doing that one part of making the product you got paid less.

Luca D. said...

Lecture Notes

- During the Homestead act over 400,000 families took land in the west. This number is somewhat sketchy due to some that just took the land to resell it.

- Vertical integration and The bigger is Better theory begin to come into the picture with industry. Vertical integration was first used y Gustavus Swift.

Angela Osmanzai, Maqsood said...

Lecture Comment
Angela Osmanzai

-Even before the Revolution in the 1870 there were industrialization with the canal system. Where trading was conducted. It just wasn't as major.

-In 1870 a Tabacco company was able to produce 3,000 cigarettes per day by rolling but in 1890 that same Tabacco company was able to produce 70,000 cigarettes per day by machine.

Abigail said...

Lecture Comments

Industrialization creates different outcomes at the same time. It creates a unifying effect, makes the country smaller, drops travel time across the nation from months to weeks, brings people into the intergreated market place which exposes them to the same consumer goods. At the same time it develops a middle class-white collar workers.

Industrialization generates much conflict between different groups. So they end up going to the state government and petitioning for redress, pretty much asking the state to grow and get bigger so that the state could be an effective force with dealing in business.

susan asadi pd 5 & 8 said...

susan asadi
lecture comment
"Economis of Industrialization"

- One key way you know that industrialization occured is by the invention of industrial age. One of the most important inventions of the industrial age was the bessemer converter. It was developed in England and introduced to Andrew Carnegies steel plans in the mid 1870s. The bessemer converter is a purification process. It blows air into moltern iron and the air oxedized the imprurities.

- Carnegie steel owned steel production. He also horizantally intergrated by buying up many steel campanys. Carnagie is one of the success stories of the golden age. he came from scotland with no money. Eventually worked up to a collar postision and saved up for the steel production. He dominated the steel market and the us economy. In 1900, he made 40 million dollar in profit. The next year he was bought out by JP morgan.

ashley disalvo said...

lecture notes

-Industrilzation didn't just mean steel and railroads. It also effects other iteams like food, books amd cosmetics.

-Industrilization also effected what the people ate. The diet was really bland because there was no refergiration. children used to get oranges for christmas because they were eaten so rarely.

ashley disalvo said...

movie comments
The unfinished nation:revoultion of a diffrent sort

-The industrial revolution transfomred almost every aspect of life in america.
- The biggest change in 1840 and 1850s is the amount of irish immigrants in america because of the potato famin in ireland
- newspapers had alot to do with americans really feeling like they were part of the country.
-factories in the united states started off as something to orgianze the labor if a business
- in the 1840 and 50s workers started arguing that they had rights to there labor and freedom.

Nelofar A. said...

Movie Comments...
While watching this movie, i learned many things. One thiing that I learned was about the changes of the aspects of life in the United States.Growth of population occured,and immigration. The congree passed laws about who can be citizens. Immigrants came into the United States from Ireland and Germany. People immigrated because they wanted to look for better economic oppertonites, and food to eat. In the U.S. they hoped to build a better community for themselves. I also learned about the roles of women. Women were able to have the hope of moving out of moving out of rich labor. Women came ibdependatly as single women or daughters. They spread out into different parts, and began working in mills. They saved money and someies sent it home, or bought a boarding house.I also learned that a similarity between Germans and Irish people were there consumption of Liquor. Many people, the "native born americans" were bothered by this. They thought it was showing their dishonesty. During 1820s, roads were used for transporting goods, and transporting, which was very expensive. As time went on, and people tried to push for federal govt control in canals, they got it. The economy was effected because of the canals. People were about to transport goods more easily, and further. Later on, instead of pulling horses, steam engines were invented, and railroads. Railroads changed many things in both negative and possitive ways.... Another invention that was made was the steam press. I learned that the steam press made more copies of the newspapers faster. In the Northwest, meat packing began. More agriculture was going on at the time. The changes were do due to the fact that more was produced at once. More was being produced, but people, both men and women werent paid enough.

Nelofar A said...

Lecture Notes: facts on things i learned... (more then 2 just incase)
*Railroads were successful,in recruiting foreign nations.
* Industrialization meant the develement of manufacturing; steel,oil,and minning. Factory produced things that played a role on other things. Factories re-shaped land. Industrialization meant social networks, and relationships,food, books, and many other consumer items.
*It made the country smaller, drops travel time acrose nations, brought people to same market place, developed middle class, gave more time, and income to buy goods, and was a positive thing. At the same time it was a bad thing because many people couldnt buy things.
* It divided the nation... The guilded phase was like something that lookes shiny, and nice, but wasnt. It showed that its benifits werent spread fairly.
*It unified the nation- because it created conflicts, which lead them to go to state and asking them to get bigger and grow so it can be effective towards the power of business.
*1820 factory system was introduced...
*canal was first of industialization...
* Industries are controled by companies
*continues flow changed lives of american workers..people were striped of skills which made the workers concentrate on only one skill, so they did one thing all day long. Work place was becoming worse especially since they worked longer, and were payed less.
*Railroads were build were there wasnt enough of a demand or market: which made bankers take over the companies and helping re organize them.
*Railroads needed many things to plan its business... so people would gather info, dates, and methods. It affected time dramatically. It was faster. Because of this, they defined time by splitting the country into 4 time zone.. this showed how much power and control the railroads had.
* Panics were in 1873 and 1893...banks werent insured, if they failed all money that crediters hahd were gone. One men closing down his office effected many people.

Olivia Kuros said...

Olivia Kuros
The Unfinished Nation: A New Corporate Order

-Emphasis On Industrial Revolution. Time period following Civil War, early 19th century when America became predominant power in industry.

-U.S industry explodes along with the German and British. Economic and industrial explosion.

-This began due to ready human labor and abundance of natural resources. People who built railroads 1860s,70s,90s birth of National economy due to railroads. Without them industry would have never flourished.

-Inventions such as the cotton gin, electricity, and telephones led to industrialization.

- Industrial Giants: J.P. Morgan financer, Carnegie steel company, Rockefeller oil trust.

- Their industries posed threats to England and other world powers.

-Philanthropy originated here. Giants contributed their money to justify their actions.

- Labor Unions spawned such as the knights of labor who desired to establish a single union, this failed because of the union square incident.

-Urbanization rapidly grew as immigrants flooded to America in response to the demand for labor.

-It was common for skilled and unskilled factory workers to work 12 hours a day, leaving little time for family.

-Skilled labor was becoming less essential as assembly lines became increasingly relevant. It was common for managers to hire women and children paying them lower wages.

-In response to this the knights of labor spawned in the mid 19th century excluding some groups of people such as gamblers and liquor dealers.

-1877 first strike- the railroad strike.

-Gov't opposed these unions and violently ended strikes.

-America's population forever changes due to the mass immigration which met the demands for labor. The new technology and advances in America also aided this change.

Valentina Sheraj said...

Lecture Notes:

-- The Industrial Revolution was the time when American switched from being primarily an agricultural nation to an industrius one. The U.S. was so successful that by 1900 it was the largest industrial nation in the world.

--Consistant flow in factory changed the lives of workers. Workers were stripped of skills because everything they did used machinery and was repetitous day after day. Workplaces became unpleasant, workers were not paid enough, they worked long hours and in unhealthful conditions.

Movie notes
--Although there were industry tycoons such as Rockafeller and Carnegie they did not keep their wealth all to themselves. They along with other tycoons became philanthropists and gave back to the community.

-- There was a class war in 1877 due to railroad employers cutting wages. There already was a huge discrepancy between rich and poor and this wage cut just" added fuel to the fire." There were radical strikes for example the 8 hour day strike, strikes for better working conditions, wages and better treatment of employees.

Sanam Asadi said...

Sanam Asadi
Lecture Comments: Economic of Industrialization

-Industrialization like slavery, is going to effect human relationships far from the work a day world.

-Industrialization effects really common place items such as foods, books, cosmetics, consumer items in which everyone uses daily.

-Industrialization both divided and unified the nation.
Guilded phase: Something that looks nice and shiny meanwhile really wasnt.
-Industrialization caused conflicts, but effectively caused all states to grow together and bigger.

-The factory system was introduced in 1820. The first industrialization was the canal.

-The Industry:
-Controlled by companies
-Caused more Railroads to develp which lead to not enough demand of market. This lead to bankers taking over the companies and reorganizing them.

Panic of 1873 & 1893: Banks were insured.
-If the banks failed all the money crediters had were lost.
-One office closed down was a result to many people being effected negatively.

Allen Sharma said...

Lecutre Comments:

- During the early 1900's the population of the America went through a rapid increase. About 2.2 million people were foreigners that were living in America towards the west, which helped increase the population.

- Throughout this time period there were many new food products and companies being developed such as Pillsbury and Heinz ketchup which are still around today.

susan asadi said...

Movie comments: the unfinished nation

- German and Irish immigrannts coming to america.
- Alchol became sight of steriotype for immigrants to native americans
-industrial revolution- improvments of transportation- railroad
- canals good way to enhance trade and transportation- linked different parts of world and domestic trade
- trading with europe helped economy
- coosts were cheaper which made it possible to trade
- railroads come next and overtake the canals & steam engine (can be put on boats)

Sanam Asadi said...

Sanam Asadi
MOVIE NIGHT: A New Corporate Order
-The country has been developing a manufacturing economy since the early 19th centuries.
-Age of industrialization is generally thought of the period after the Civil War.
-We become the top economic power along with the Germans.
-No single explanation for the cause of the economic explosion.
-Availability of resources contributed to this.
-Great names of industrialization: The people who built the railroads.
-Men commonly were majority of the immigrant.
-In America women came to look for jobs intextile mills and hoping for oppurtunities.
-The mechanizing of factories is what made it able for products to be produced at a greater amount.
-In the 1840 and 50s workers started arguing that they had rights to there labor and freedom.
-"The 1860s, 80's, 90's is the era of where you see the birth of a truely national economy."

Anonymous said...

Lecture Comments
-Besemer Converter. Founded in England. Purification Process. Introduced to Andrew Carnielage in the mid 1870s. Blows air into melted iron. Air is pushed up, converter tilts, rotates on an axis and melted steel comes out.
-Horizontal Integration similar to Verticle Integration. It was basically buying other companies in the same buiness to lessen compotition. Buying rivarlys.

Movie Comments
-People were gripping stories about murder and mayhem which everyone loved to read about. It was called Cheap Newspapers. The Whigs and Democratics were writers. It influenced a wider public. They were hungry for news. People subscribed to telegraphs. It was an increasing important thing in life and politics. People read the news and felt a sence of common cause. The most important thing was communication.
-Industrial Development. There were more and more factories and people working in factories then in agriculture.

Gabby Cestone Period. 5 and 8

Allen Sharma said...

Movie Comments:

- The movie showed and talked about many different inventors such as Thomas Edison (the light bulb) and Andrew Carnegie (steel)

- The invention of steel was better for making rail roads than iron because it was stronger but it was more expensive when compared to using iron for making the rail roads.

Anthony B. said...

+The end of the 1800's was i important part of American history. America began to industrialized. Factories formed whited offered jobs. Manufacturing was easier and faster. It also helped the economy.
+ The rail roads where also a big part in the history. They where making movement through the nation faster. it made western America closer. Immigrants mostly Irish and German traveled west by the rail road.

due o the potato famine many irish people immigrated to America. they where the ones who mostly took the jobs in the factories and mills. canals where built to increase trade. It also encouraged trade with Europe and strengthen the economy. Different inventions made manufacturing easier. This open factories. It increased the market.

Anonymous said...

Spencer Rivera

Lecture Notes.

-During the 1900s Americas economy shot up, it went from being a primary agricultural nation to a speedy rapid industry.

-The US was the largest industrial nation in the world.

-In the work force, the style and status changed. It changed from the demand to be the craft of what your making to the quantity and how fast you can make it.

- Unfortunitly the life of workers became harsh, they were under paid, over worked, and put in unhealthy conditions.

- The American population went through a rapid increase, 2.2 million people were foreigners that were living in America towards the west.

Movie notes
- Huge industry billionares including Rockafeller and Carnegie, they shared there income and wealth. They invested and built libraries and helped build schools and increase education.

- A class war came about in 1877 due to railroad employes decreased wages. A huge gap formed between the rich and the poor. Strikes came often like the 8 hour day strike, strikes for better working conditions, wages and better treatment of employees.

Spencer Rivera

Kathleen said...

"Economics of Industrialization"
"Lecture Comments"

One thing I learned is that European countries like Britain and Germany were number one when it came to the industry and steel making. But America made it's way to the top as materials for steel making became abundant.

The second thing I learned is that machines lead to mass production which lead to a lot more goods which meant lower prices. This is evident in the Tobacco comapany who could manufacture 70,000 cigarettes per day compared to a mere 3,000 per day.

Olivia Kuros said...

Olivia Kuros

Economics Of Industrialization

1. I learned that the Guilded Age was a term created by Mark Twain. I learned that its meaning referred to how this era of industrialization seemed to be so positive and it was in most respects but underneath this veneer it also divided the country.

2. I learned that during this era is when physical advertisments were introduced. It was during this time when advertisements began to alter the landscape of America altering it.

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

~Lecture Notes

Industrialization didn't just mean steel, oil, and railroads. It affects common things like food, books, cosmetics, cigarettes, and consumer items. It also means a whole web of social net works and relationships that are structured by the form of economic production.
-can create different outcomes
-unified effect makes the country smaller
-dropped travel time across the nation
-It develops a way of middle class,white collar workers,those stacking offices of huge companies, it gives them the income to buy consumer goods
-makes life better for them
- A corporation will live long after your life span
- you can start a corporation and thing could go wrong and the debt will fall to the corporation and not yourself.
- limited liability encourages people to take risks.
- it get's criticized because people feel it takes away responsibility.
- corporations existed when the country was founded and used more in the industrialization in the 1820s
- In a corporation you can sell shares to make money to create a project
- If you want to start a railroad you get a land grant and sell shares because you will need a lot more money. You get money from investors, then you can start your railroad.
- down falls- it's hard to regulate
-interstate commerce commission
the constitution gives the government the power to regulate interstate commerce
- Each state had different corporation laws(This still goes on today).
- At the time New Jersey is one of the lenient states first state to allow another corporation. Other corporations go to New Jersey
- It's cheaper if you do things bigger because it helps with loses and better rates in contracts, it is a basic economic role that starts playing in this period.
- Vertical Integration is owning all parts of a process
- An example of Vertical integration was oil. When you go to a mobile gas station to fill your tank with gas, it doesn't only own that gas station but also the refinery, the pipeline, the ships that carried it from where it came from like oil fields it may own.
- Instead of buying the oil and reselling it, you own the pipe line all the way to a retail outlet

Luca D. said...

Movie Comments

In this movie I learned about the large growth in population and the use of laws on immigration. How many people argued about how different minorities would be treated and what there stature would be. "Free White men" Potato Famine brings in Irish immigrants. Mostly men came and sent back money, some women came also especially single women. Women worked in textiles mostly, Some of the first factory workers. Irish immigrants mostly in cities Germans were usually elsewhere. German immigrant gave the Idea of Canals and internal improvements. Americans now had limitless trade possibilities throughout the entire US. Railroads take over the trade and transport industry. Newspapers become more prominent with the steam press. Political parties could use newspapers to advertise and new "Yellow Journalism" News stories would come out. Telegraphs allow for faster communication, faster economic stands such as cotton prices around the US. North had more technological ingenuity while south stayed agricultural. Skilled workers are being replaced by assembly lines. "Wage Slaves" Dangerous factory jobs were harmful to "Wage slaves"

ashley urena said...

Ashley Urena
* Movie Comments
-The railroad made it easier for goods to be shipped around the world.
- But the railroad did also have its 'ups and downs.'
- Thomas Edison discovered electricity which was important in many ways.
- Andrew Carnegie was the creator of the first steel factory.
- Industrial Giants had power and wealth. The increase of industrialization was a threat for England.

Ashley Urena said...

Lecture Comments
- expedential growth on factories created a huge impact on industrialization. Fcatories made materials quicker and gave jobs to people because they needed more hands.
- there was industrialization before the civil war. But after the civil war, the nation transforms from a primarily an agricultural nation to an industrail nation.

Sebastian said...

Lecture Comments:
Carnegie's company was producig as much steel as the entire country of Great Britan.

~ Millions of people traveled to the west. Most of them were immigrants travleing from Europe and Asia hoping to get rich and then return to their countries.


Movie Notes:

~ The movie talks about the 2 Unions that were formed. The Knights of Labor Union and the American Federation of Labor. Both wanted equal job oppoturnities.

~ The movie talk about how Carnigie And Thomas Edison had impacts on the way we live.

Elana Cwass said...

2 things I learned from Lecture
- Men and women treated each other differently when slavery was involved. For example, families would be formed differently, etc.
- Industrialization can create very different outcomes at the same time. It makes the country smaller, it drops travel time across the nation because of time zones, and other things that unify the country. Industrialization makes life a lot better for people living during this time.

- The amount of immigrants coming to America was increasing, specifically German immigrants.
- Second Industrial Revolution was beginning at this time.
- Transcontinental Railroad is invented.