Wednesday, October 22, 2008

HW - Wed and Thurs (10/22 and 10/23)

Hello, APUSHers:

Here's your mission for tonight, and if you're feeling really adventurous, you can start working on tomorrow's as well.

1. Based on the DBQ's we started in class today, please carefully ANALYZE the rest of the documents (you should use the APPARTS method). After analyzing the documents, prepare a thesis statement.

2. Thursday - Using the SPRITE-G outline we did in class, please complete a rough draft of your essay. We will PEER REVIEW each other's work in class Friday, so you're going to feel really silly if you don't have yours ready to go.

3. Your FINAL DRAFT will be due on MONDAY. No if's ands or buts about it.

CLICK HERE. You're Welcome!


gabriella_fluffycupcake_y902 said...

Mr.T is this the revision? Because this is what you told us to do in class today anyways...:D

gabriella_fluffycupcake_y902 said...

And why hasn't anyone done their homework yet? Is anyone posting it? Are we suppsoed to? Can i type it?

Mr Tesler said...

Well, I made the APPARTS section "suggested."

gabriella_fluffycupcake_y902 said...

MR TESLER ARE U GONNA TAKE POINGT OFF FOR FLOWERYNESS? BECAUSE I DONT KNOW HOW 2 CHANGE MY INTRO! can i just keep it the same, or will u take points off?

Mr Tesler said...

Floweriness should be avoided...Get to the point! On the AP's you'll have 45 minutes to write. No time to stop and smell the flowers.

gabriella_fluffycupcake_y902 said...

but mr.T are you going to take points off? Because i cant really change my beginning because i put all of the information in the backround information section. So am i going to get points off or do u just not suggest floweriness? can i just make it flowery this time?or will i loose points? WILL YOU TAKE POINTS OFF?

Mr Tesler said...

If the floweriness distracts from the content, perhaps. In the future, it is best to avoid excessive floweriness.