Sunday, March 1, 2009


Here are the vocab words for Ch. 17-19

Ch. 17:
  1. Progressivism
  2. Omaha Platform
  3. National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry
  4. Farmers' Alliance
  5. Pinkerton detectives
  6. George Pullman
  7. William Jennings Bryan
  8. "Cross of Gold" speech
  9. Muckraker
  10. National American Woman's Suffrage Association
  11. Social Gospel movement
  12. Municipal reform
  13. Robert La Follette
  14. Lochner v. New York
  15. Triangle Shirtwaist disaster
  16. Square Deal
  17. Department of Commerce and Labor
  18. Upton Sinclair
  19. "Bull Moose" Party
  20. Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914
Ch. 18:
  1. Open-Door Policy
  2. Boxers
  3. Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (1885)
  4. William Randolph Hearst
  5. Yellow Press
  6. Teller Amendment
  7. "Rough Riders"
  8. Downes v. Bidwell
  9. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
  10. Roosevelt Corollary
  11. Dollar Diplomacy
  12. Imperialism
  13. Mexican Revolution
  14. Customshouses
  15. Panama Canal
  16. Francisco Madero
  17. General Victoriano Huerta
  18. Francisco "Pancho" Villa
  19. Villistas
  20. "ABC Powers"
Ch. 19:
  1. Central Powers
  2. Allied Powers
  3. Espionage Act
  4. Neutrality
  5. Propaganda
  6. Zimmerman telegram
  7. Sedition Act
  8. Red Scare
  9. Palmer raids
  10. Schenck v. United States
  11. George Creel
  12. Lusitania
  13. Bolsheviks
  14. Fourteen Points
  15. League of Nations
  16. Henry Cabot Lodge
  17. Big Four
  18. U-boats
  19. National War Labor Board
  20. Treaty of Versailles


donna said...

extra credit if we write it??

Min Kang said...

What.. I thought our homework was only the thesis...

robin o. said...

umm when is this due? thursday of friday?