Friday, March 13, 2009

Tonight's HW

CLICK HERE for the Video "America in the 20th Century: The Progressive Era". If you don't have a Power Media Plus! account, go through the previous posts to find the information.

2. Watch the following Lectures. Take Notes! It's like college without the pricetag!

Lesson 52 - The Progressive Impulse.
Lesson 53 - The Progressive Presidents

3. CLICK HERE. Complete the short answers, and write the essay in the appropriate boxes. The server will automatically email me your work. It's that simple!


Jessye P said...

mr. tesler ! for the scrap book does it matter if we write it in the first person or third person point of view

Anonymous said...

oh mr. tesler...
me, gabby, and ange will give you the web quest on monday, also i'll hand in the ticket out and the take home test (i sortta forgot to hand in that)


Min Kang said...

what is your email mr.tesler? and the slideshow thing is mandatory?

Mr Tesler said...

To respond.

1. Slideshow is a GEM.
2. First or Third is entirely up to you.
3. Thanks Opal

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tesler I answer the document questions and the essay but it wouldn't send, what can I do?

-Alex Bao

Anonymous said...

Mr tesler. the video doesnt work on my computer...

Mr Tesler said...

If you're having trouble sending, then hand-write it, and give it to me tomorrow.

If you can't view the video, then you can do the assignment in the lab. Go in, and watch the video there during lunch, when the pub-lab is open.

Anonymous said...

alright thanks.

Joe House said...

This is Joe M.

I emailed this specific DBQ to your e-mail at "".
Forgive me, I could not remember your primary address.