Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tonight's HW

Was America's intervention in the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century motivated more by the desire for economic markets or by the mission of bringing democracy to other regions?

In other words, did the US acquire these territories, and engage in these actions for business, or for expanding democracy. After each of the following items, write a sentence or two explaining why you believe each one is more closely related to markets or mission; did the US get involved because of business, or because of the desire to spread democracy?

Then develop a one paragraph thesis answering the question...

Was America's intervention in the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century motivated more by the desire for economic markets or by the mission of bringing democracy to other regions?

  • Entering the Spanish-American War over Cuba
  • Taking the Philippines
  • The Insular Cases
  • Supporting Panama's independence
  • The Open Door Policy
  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
  • Dollar Diplomacy

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday's HW:

Hello, APUSHers:

Great job on the Progressive project. Let's keep the ball rolling. Here's the assignment. It's divided into TWO PARTS.

Part I - Individual Work
1. Lecture 54: McKinley and Roosevelt
2. Lecture 55: Taft and Wilson
3. Watch the VIDEO
Yes...You need your POWER MEDIA PLUS account.
4. Read Chapter 18 in the RED Textbook

Part II - Cooperative Work
Based on your group assignment, you will have a specific section of the following assignment to complete.

1. Click Here. Based on your group #, you will complete the following:

All members of Team 1: "Imperialism and America"
All members of Team 2: "The Spanish-American-Cuban War"
All members of Team 3: "Acquiring New Lands"
All members of Team 4: "America as a World Power"

2. On Monday, you will be responsible for teaching the other teams about your specific area.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tonight's HW

Hello, APUSHers: 

Here's tonight's HW.  

Remember...If everyone completes this by the end of the period tomorrow, NO TEST FRIDAY!!! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exam Moved to Friday

Sorry to disappoint, APUSHers, but the exam on Progressivism has been postponed until Friday. Please follow all of the links from previous posts for study materials.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

HW Tonight

1.  If you have not completed your Progressive DBQ Essay, please complete it and turn it in by tomorrow.   Please see the previous links if necessary for the DBQ . 

2.  Begin Reviewing for a MULTIPLE CHOICE EXAM on the Progressive Era Wednesday.  Figure about 40 to 50 MC's.   Here are links to help you study.  

Warm up with these.  

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tonight's HW

1.  CLICK HERE.  Download and Print the "Progressive Era Report Card." 
2. Complete the Report Card.  
3.  Based on the information in the report card, and what you've learned about the Progressive Era, complete the DBQ Essay.  In case you left the DBQ in class, here's a link.  You are only responsible for Question 1.  
4.  You may hand in on Monday, or submit to me via google docs.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Progressive WebQuest

CLICK HERE for the Progressive WebQuest 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

HW Assignment - Review, and Print!

Hello, APUSHers:

Here's tonight's HW
1. Finish the DBQ Essay on Progressivism.
2. Review the slideshow, notes, lectures and other info on Progressivism.
3. CLICK HERE, and Print
4. CLICK HERE and Print
5. CLICK HERE and Print

Monday, March 16, 2009

Progressivism Notes

For More Notes

Tonight's HW


Here's tonight's HW assignment: 

1.  DOWNLOAD the DBQ.  Print out the Docs.  
2.  Answer the scaffolding questions.  
3.  Complete an OUTLINE of the essay, based on the historical context, and task.  

We will discuss that tomorrow if time permits.  The essay will be due WEDNESDAY! 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tonight's HW

CLICK HERE for the Video "America in the 20th Century: The Progressive Era". If you don't have a Power Media Plus! account, go through the previous posts to find the information.

2. Watch the following Lectures. Take Notes! It's like college without the pricetag!

Lesson 52 - The Progressive Impulse.
Lesson 53 - The Progressive Presidents

3. CLICK HERE. Complete the short answers, and write the essay in the appropriate boxes. The server will automatically email me your work. It's that simple!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

On-Line Lecture Reminder


You need to be finished with Chapter 26 of the On-Line Lectures by NO LATER THAN APRIL 6th!

Keep on Truckin' Good Buddies!

Cooperative Group Assignment 3/13

Please note that groups are NON-NEGOTIABLE. Please do not ask "can I work with..." or tell me "we don't get along and can't work together because..." These groups will be reorganized after the work is completed.

Group 1: Maggie, Matt, Gabby, Angelina, Sophia, Zoe, Alex, Heather
Group 2: Min, Danielle, Josephine, Stephanie, Jessye, Nadine, Marc, Jenna
Group 3: Michelle, Avi, Joseph, RoseMarie, Adrian, Robin, Edina, Mike D
Group 4: Donna, Monica, Janet, Raisa, Amanda, Lauren, Chris C, Bianca J

You will be given your computer assignments when we go to the lab tomorrow. Please note that the computer assignments are non-negotiable as well.

Listed Below is the link for your assignment. You will have until the end of the period to complete it.

Immigration GEM Quest

Tonight's HW

Hello, APUSHers:

Here's tonight's assignment.

1. FINISH your TAKE HOME TEST, including the ESSAY!
2. CLICK HERE AND PRINT the WORKSHEET . Bring the worksheet with you to class tomorrow.
3. FYI, we will be meeting in the computer lab tomorrow, 1st period. Your group assignments will be posted shortly.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday's Assignment - In Case You Missed It

As today is my last day of Jury Duty (hopefully), here is the assignment for today. Please be advised that all assignments will be collected on Thursday. Each assignment will be checked, and graded.

1. Read Chapter 17 in the textbook.
2. Copy "Visual Summary" on p. 544
3. Complete "Terms and Names" on p. 544
4. Complete "Main Ideas" on p. 544, # 1-11

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignments Week of March 1

Hello, Everyone:

I KNOW that everyone is keeping up with their assignments.

Please be advised that these assignments are NOT "busy work," and should be taken seriously. When I return next week, I will be collecting every piece of work, and grading it. Incomplete assignments will be given a grade of ZERO!!!

Here's what you've been assigned so far, in case you've missed anything.

REVIEW Chapter 15 (pp. 459-477).
"Analyzing Political Cartoons" p. 475
"Terms and Names" p. 478
"Main Ideas" 1-8 p. 478
Copy "Visual SUmmary" p. 478

READ and REVIEW Chapter 16 in the RED BOOK
"Terms and Names" p. 506
"Main Ideas" p. 506
"Critical Thinking" 2, 3 on p. 506
Copy Visual Summary on 506

In RED textbook:

Skim Chapter 17:
Complete "Terms and Names" p. 544
Complete "Main Ideas" p. 544
Copy Visual Summary p. 544

Take Home Test

As you know, I am currently serving jury duty. As a result, the take-home test has been postponed. Likely, we will take the exam in class on Monday. I will advise you on how to proceed. Please keep checking the blog for assignment updates. Also, I hope that you are keeping up with your work.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tonight's HW 3/5

Hello, APUSHers:

While I am fulfilling my Constitutional duty as the member of a jury, I have not forgotten about you all. Here are some sample questions from the take home exam. Answer them, and explain why the answer you selected is the best one for that question.

Which of the following was primarily responsible for the declining death rate in American cities at the end of the 19th century?
(a) Fewer poor people moved to the cities in the late 19th century.
(b) Cities began to provide free medical care to those who needed it.
(c) Doctors began to provide free medical care for poor people.
(d) Better transportation enabled most people to seek medical care.
(e) Cities built sewers and supplied purified water.

In the late 19th century, the largest American cities were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
(a) corrupt alliances between machine politicians and transit and utility interests
(b) neighborhoods that were increasingly mixed in their economic composition
(c) transportation systems that expanded the distance people could live from their work
(d) settlement houses and institutional churches that addressed the problem of the urban poor
(e) municipal reform movements based on “scientific government”

Which of the following does NOT describe the majority of immigrants who came to the United States between 1880 and 1920?
(a) They were unskilled and undereducated when they arrived.
(b) They were generally young.
(c) They came to urban areas.
(d) They were Protestant.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HW 3/3/09

Hello, APUSHers:

heres tonight's HW

1. VIEW the following presentation. If necessary, outline, and take notes.

2. Please refer to yesterday's post for the rest of your HW details. If you'd like, you can complete a GEM Sheet for the video.

3. Listed below are the questions from the video. I will give you a few minutes to discuss the questions with your team in the morning.

1. Identify and discuss the factors that led to the development of cities.
2. What was the percentage of people living in 1890 who were "foreign born?"
3. What was the purpose of the "networks" as discussed in the video?
4. Identify THREE ethnic groups that lived in Washington Heights in the 1900s.
5. HOW did immigrant workers at the Ford Factory earn extra money?
6. Describe life in the Tenement Apartments.
7. How did the growth of transportation lead to the growth of the suburbs?
8. What year did the Chicago Fire take place?
9. Why was pollution considered a "positive thing" in the 19th Century?
10. Imagine you were teaching this course . Provide a brief description of a political machine.
11. How did Political Machines lure immigrant voters?
12. How much money in kickbacks was earned during the construction of the Tweed Courthouse?
13. What was the "ten percent waste rate?"
14. What was the purpose of the department store window displays?
15. Discuss and explain why Amusement parks were important.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tonight's HW - March 2, 2009

Nothing to do today, on this day off?

The beauty of the blog is that we don't even have to be in school to stay connected. Fortunately, even if school is canceled, you still have the ability to keep up with your work.

So, here's what we would've done today. ALL PEOPLE WHO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT WILL GET A GEM, redeemable for ONE POINT on your Average.

1. REVIEW Lecture 49, and Lecture 50
2. REVIEW chapter 18 in your APUSH review book
3. Watch the Video The Unfinished Nation: The Age of the City
3. Using the information from the lecture, the video, and your knowledge of social studies, post responses to the following questions. You should include some substantial backing information to support your statements.

#1 How did the growth of industry and large factories shape the character of the American city?
#2 How did the improved transportation: railroads; streetcars (etc) impact character of the American city?
#3 How did increased immigration (and immigrants) shape the character of the American city?
#4 How did architectural changes: skyscrapers (etc) shape the character of the American city?
#5 How did electric lights for commercial purposes shape the character of the American city?
#6 How did urban planning shape the character of the American city?
#7 How did tenement housing shape the character of the American city?
#8 How did political machines shape the character of the American city? Personalities to reference: William "Boss" Tweed, George Washington Plunkitt, and Thomas Nast.

Schedule for the week of 3/2 - Keep up!

Hello, Everyone:

Though the forecast calls for snow, nonetheless, we must continue on our journey towards success on the AP exam.

Here's the schedule of lectures (online). For each chapter you are responsible for:

1. Listening to the Lecture
2. Taking notes
3. Completing the Vocab Words (posted by Mr. T)

You should be finished with Chapter 18 by no later than Tuesday. You must be finished with Chapter 19 by Friday. Vocab terms will be posted later today.

TAKE HOME EXAM - To be given out in class this FRIDAY!


Here are the vocab words for Ch. 17-19

Ch. 17:
  1. Progressivism
  2. Omaha Platform
  3. National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry
  4. Farmers' Alliance
  5. Pinkerton detectives
  6. George Pullman
  7. William Jennings Bryan
  8. "Cross of Gold" speech
  9. Muckraker
  10. National American Woman's Suffrage Association
  11. Social Gospel movement
  12. Municipal reform
  13. Robert La Follette
  14. Lochner v. New York
  15. Triangle Shirtwaist disaster
  16. Square Deal
  17. Department of Commerce and Labor
  18. Upton Sinclair
  19. "Bull Moose" Party
  20. Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914
Ch. 18:
  1. Open-Door Policy
  2. Boxers
  3. Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (1885)
  4. William Randolph Hearst
  5. Yellow Press
  6. Teller Amendment
  7. "Rough Riders"
  8. Downes v. Bidwell
  9. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
  10. Roosevelt Corollary
  11. Dollar Diplomacy
  12. Imperialism
  13. Mexican Revolution
  14. Customshouses
  15. Panama Canal
  16. Francisco Madero
  17. General Victoriano Huerta
  18. Francisco "Pancho" Villa
  19. Villistas
  20. "ABC Powers"
Ch. 19:
  1. Central Powers
  2. Allied Powers
  3. Espionage Act
  4. Neutrality
  5. Propaganda
  6. Zimmerman telegram
  7. Sedition Act
  8. Red Scare
  9. Palmer raids
  10. Schenck v. United States
  11. George Creel
  12. Lusitania
  13. Bolsheviks
  14. Fourteen Points
  15. League of Nations
  16. Henry Cabot Lodge
  17. Big Four
  18. U-boats
  19. National War Labor Board
  20. Treaty of Versailles