Sunday, April 11, 2010

APUSH Review Sites

Hello, Everyone:

CLICK HERE for some great links to sites related to APUSH review. We're going to start reviewing during our 8th period classes. Soon, we'll be doing "two-a-day" review sessions, using both classes to prepare.

A review packet is currently being copied for you. In the meantime, use the sites above, some of the ones on the left side of the blog, and the following are also great! - All of the Lectures that we do, in podcast/mp3 form. Download 'em, listen to 'em, love 'em!

Click below for links to review questions. They are grouped in 10 week blocks, based on what we've studied. If you can write a thoughtful, detailed paragraph for each one, you should do alright on the exam.

First 10 Week Review

Second 10 Week Review

Third 10 Week Review

Fourth 10 Week Review

Some Advice! Get a STUDY GROUP TOGETHER, if you haven't already. EXTRA HELP is available EVERYDAY! "AFTER-AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES" will also be starting soon!


Anonymous said...

Spencer Rivera
summary of FDR's new deal
-The New deal brought in recovery, and relief towards many. FDR worked through a depression and the new deal created jobs for the unemployed, he created programs aimed for a road of recovery, and he regulated a minimum wage setting standards everywhere. He removed tariffs and advertised trade. Lastly putting farms back to work. In a matter of 3 months. Wow!
-Spencer Rivera Apush

Nelofar A. said...

_Nelofar Asadi_
When the New Deal was established, FDR was president. The New Deal was when different programs were used to help the American people. The New Deal was created to help recover from the depression. Jobs such as, building, road construction, teaching, etc. were given to the people who were unemployed. FDR shut down the banks which benifited by people depositing money in the banks instead of taking money out. Also there was a farm program which allowed farmers to grow certain plants. They enabled debt-ridden property owners to take out longer-term mortgages and paved the way for a significant expansion of homeownership in the US. In conclusion, the New Deal was blamed for prolonging the Depression by deterring private investment through excessive regulation and raising prices at the expense of jobs.

Charlie said...

The New Deal was a series of plans in order to get the united states out of the depression. The New Deal was started by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The main plan of the New Deal was to give money to the businesses and the wealthy people so that the money would make its way down to the middle class and eventually lower class people, this would cause people to spend and cause the economy to grow. Another part of the new deal was to pay the farmers not to sell crops so the value of crops would rise causing the farmers and stores to make more money. It also gave jobs to the unemployed o that they had money to spend. The New Deal was also hated by many people. People thought it was too much of an expense to the government and that it was just to symphathetic.

Alen said...

First 10 week review