Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Exam Guide for Monday 3/12/18

15 Multiple Choice
15 Identifications:  Sorry, no word bank.  You are on your own! 

Multiple Choice: 
How did Alfred Thayer Mahan helped develop American interest in overseas expansion?
What were factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1890’s?
Why President Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii in 1893
Why Americans first became concerned with the situation in Cuba
Even before the sinking of the Maine, what caused the American public’s anger at Spain?
After the Maine exploded, why didn't the United States immediately declare war on Cuba?
Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
What was the largest cause of American deaths in Cuba?
What were the colonial territories that the United States acquired in the Spanish-American War?
Why did President McKinley decide to make the Philippines an American colony?
What did the Platt Amendment do?
How did Roosevelt overcome the Colombian refusal to approve a canal treaty?
What did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine state?
What were the effects of Roosevelt’s policy in Panama and elsewhere in Latin America?
What was Theodore Roosevelt’s slogan that stated his essential foreign policy principle?

Identification: Know the significance
Monroe Doctrine
Yellow Journalism
USS Maine
Manila Bay
Rough Riders
Puerto Rico
Open Door Notes/Policy
Boxer Rebellion
Anti-Imperialist League
Roosevelt Corollary
Platt Amendment
Gentlemen's Agreement

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