Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ch. 28 Study Guide

Test Monday or Tuesday
30 Questions
15 multiple choce
15 identifications

Jacob Riis
Lincoln Steffens
Ida Tarbell
17th Amendment
Robert La Follette
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Anthracite coal strike
Meat Inspection Act of 1906
Newlands Act of 1902
William Howard Taft
Payne-Aldrich Bill
Gifford Pinchot
Thorstein Veblen
Muller v. Oregon
Lochner v. New York

primary emphasis of the progressive movement
Most progressives were?
Who were the people involved in the progressive movement who stirred the public’s sense of concern
political reforms sought by the progressives were
states where progressivism first gained influence
Supreme Court ruling in Lochner v. New York
Supreme Court ruling in Muller v. Oregon
Goal of the Elkins Act, Hepburn Act
How Roosevelt ended the Pennsylvanian anthracite coal strik
Two areas where Roosevelt’s progressivism made substantial gains
Why Roosevelt was blamed for the “Panic of 1907”
What Taft was expected to do after being elected
Why Progressive Republicans grew disillusioned with Taft
Why Roosevelt finally decided to break with the Republicans and form a third party

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