Sunday, December 18, 2011

APUSH Winter Break Assignment 2011

Hello, APUSHers:

While I am well aware of the upcoming break, nonetheless, we must forge onward in our quest.

Here are your break assignment(s). Please note that I am not expecting you to finish this in one day. I have given you the assignment with more than two weeks to complete it. It is more than ample time to complete the entire assignment.

Furthermore, I am hopeful that by this time you have created study groups, and are utilizing the people in class to help you work through the material. Above that, I would also suggest using this link to post information, and really cooperate! Additionally, you should make use of the Facebook page to coordinate information.

Please note that all assignments will be turned in on the day we return from winter recess, as you enter the class for second period. Please staple all of the written work together, or place it in a folder.

As previously stated, unless you are legally absent from school, late work will not be accepted. "Technical Issues" are no longer acceptable excuses for the failure to complete assignments.

It should be further noted that each assignment is weighted, and will count towards your second semester GPA.

Assignment #1: Weight 2.25 Points Listen to the following Lectures. You are expected to complete a thorough and detailed podcast/lecture sheet for each lecture. Each lecture summary should be the equivalent of a handwritten page of text.

Here are the lectures:
Manifest Destiny

Assignment #2 - Key Terms: Weight 2.25 points. Based on the lectures, complete the list of Key Terms

Assignment #3: TAKE HOME EXAM Weight 3.5 points. 60 Questions. Multiple Choice.
Click here for the Exam.  I am hoping to have the JUNO link ready to go ASAP!   

Click here for the Answer Sheet. Please note that you only have to hand in the answer sheet.

Good Luck!